Thursday, January 24, 2008

Student Ministry Update Jan 24th 2008

Hey Everyone! Now that we are well into the new year, the Student Ministry is gearing up to go full throttle. Here is a list of events and trips that are going on for the next few months-

  • Feb. 8th The Youth are hosting the XYZ Dinner. Open Gym will be until 10pm afterwards
  • Kid's Open Gym will be on Feb 9th from 10am-12pm
  • Youth Winter Retreat Report will be on Feb. 10th during the evening service.
  • Feb. 16th Children's Bowling Trip
  • WINTERJAM Feb. 22nd
  • SNAC is on Feb. 24th
  • SUMMERSALT June 23rd-27th Deposits due by March 5th
Also, all students in 1st-5th grade, be sure to keep Tuesdays open this Summer as TAN will be starting up again! Keep your eyes open for more information in the near future!

At the beginning of this month on Wednesday nights, The Youth began a Lesson Series called "HOT TOPICS." For the next couple of weeks, the Youth will be learning and talking about various topics that they face now as teenagers, as well as things they will face over and over again the rest of their lives. This past week, they learned that God cares about their grades. They also learned that they can worship and bring glory to God by putting their best effort into their school work. I'll put up a list of the upcoming topics real soon so that you can take a look at what's coming up.

Parents, if you have any questions or would like to discuss something about the Student Ministry, feel free to come talk to me. Also, you are always welcome to come sit in on Wednesday nights.

I hope all of you are doing well.
Until next time,


Friday, November 2, 2007

Student Ministry blog

Hey Everybody! Welcome to the new FBC North Student Ministry blog! Here you will find all the info you need so you can keep up to date on what's going on in the Student Ministry. You can come here to find out what is being taught on Wednesday Nights and Sunday Evenings. Also, from time to time, you'll find different articles and links to websites that have to do with children and youth, Student Ministry, current events, Christianity, just plain fun and all sorts of other things!
Did you lose the forms and flier needed for the next Youth or Children's Event or trip? Did your child invite a friend or two? No problem! Now you can come here, look to the right, and download everything that you need.
Finally, on here you will get to see various pics and videos (when I figure out how to put them on here...) of our events, meetings and trips.

I hope that this will become a great resource for all of you. If you ever want to contribute anything to the blog or would like to help out in keeping it up, feel free to come talk to me about it.

Until next time,


Student Ministry Calendar